
World Sustainability Series

The World Sustainability Series, which started in 2014, has become the world's leading  peer-reviewed book series on sustanable development issues.  Over 2.000 authors from across the world,  including senior researchers, staff, administrators and junior researchers have been contributing to the publication.The volumes to date, including the latest additions

Climate Change Management

Here you can see the latest volumes published as part of the Climate Change Management Series, produced as part of the International Climate Change Information Programme. Click here for the complete list.



Handbook of Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development in Higher Education

From This Handbook approaches sustainable development in higher education from an integrated perspective, addressing the dearth of publications on the subject. It offers a unique overview of what universities around the world are doing to implement sustainable development (i.e. via curriculum innovation, research, activities, or practical projects) and how their efforts relate to education for sustainable development at the university level.

The Handbook gathers a wealth of information, ideas, best practices and lessons learned in the context of executing concrete projects, and assesses methodological approaches to integrating the topic of sustainable development in university curricula. Lastly, it documents and disseminates the veritable treasure trove of practical experience currently available on sustainability in higher education.

For further info, click here:


Handbook of Climate Change Adaption

The Handbook of Climate Change Adaptation addresses the scientific, social, political and cultural aspects of climate change in an integrated and coherent way. The multi-volume reference focuses on one of the key aspects of climate change: adaptation and how to handle its impacts on physical, biotic and human systems, analyzing the social and normative scientific concerns and presenting the tools, approaches and methods aimed at management of climate change impacts.

The high-quality, interdisciplinary contributions provide state-of-the-art descriptions of the topics at hand, with the collective aim of offering, for a broad readership, an authoritative, balanced and accessible presentation of the best current understanding of the nature and challenges posed by climate change. It serves not only as a valuable information source, but also as a tool to support teaching and research and as help for professionals to assist in decision-making.

The Handbook of Climate Change Adaptation is a robust publication, which consists of 100 chapters, spread over 3 volumes. Further details can be seen at:

Books 2017 - 2020

Books 2020


Books 2019


Books 2018


Books 2017
