General Act on Equal Treatment (AGG) Complaints Office

The AGG Complaints Office at HAW Hamburg is responsible for accepting complaints regarding discrimination, harassment and violence. The basis of its work is the General Act on Equal Treatment (Allgemeine Gleichbehandlungsgesetz, AGG).

It accepts complaints regarding discrimination based on one or more protected characteristics as outlined in the AGG, reviews these complaints, and communicates recommendations for measures or sanctions to the appropriate organisational unit when an incident is considered to represent discrimination pursuant to the AGG.

The AGG Complaints Office serves a review function only. It can therefore be worthwhile to seek support from HAW Hamburg's counselling and support services both before and during the complaints process.

The AGG Complaints Office is obligated to maintain confidentiality. As part of the investigation of a complaint, the AGG Complaints Office may consult with counselling and support services/organisations and other experts if necessary.

Who is entitled to submit a complaint?


On what grounds can I submit a complaint?


Where can I submit my complaint?


How do I submit my complaint?


How does the complaints procedure work?


Please note: There is no deadline for submitting your complaint, unless you as the complainant would like to keep open the possibility of legal action pursuant to the General Act on Equal Treatment (AGG). In this case you need to submit your complaint to the AGG Complaints Office within two months.