Internationalisation Advisory Board
The Internationalisation Advisory Board was initiated at HAW Hamburg as a forum for exchange and consultation on questions related to internationalisation. It is chaired by the vice president for research, knowledge transfer and international affairs and meets regularly throughout the semester. Its members include the deans and/or vice deans of international affairs from the faculties and the head of the International Office. Other participants are invited to attend on a topic-related basis.
Internationalisation strategy
HAW Hamburg aims to comprehensively internationalise its teaching and research in order to bolster the quality of the degree courses, teaching and research. The goal of the HAW Hamburg internationalisation strategy for 2018 to 2020 is to bundle and strategically develop HAW Hamburg's international activities, intensifying them in selected areas. These activities will be professionally managed in order to more strongly position HAW Hamburg as a university with an international profile.
Internationalisation strategy: Goals and action areas
Internationalisation of degree courses and teaching – Internationalisation at home
HAW Hamburg's 'internationalisation at home' concept encompasses various building blocks for creating a more intercultural and international campus in Hamburg. It is directed at HAW Hamburg's German and international Bachelor's and Master's students, instructors and researchers, and administrative staff. 'Internationalisation at home' means
- improving the integration of foreign students and researchers in degree courses and teaching,
- making courses more international on a lasting basis,
- offering more courses in English, and
- providing as many students as possible with international experiences and insights.
Internationalisation of students – Increasing overseas stays and studies
HAW Hamburg aims to provide students with key career-oriented qualifications in order to properly prepare them for the global challenges of the future and their transition to the work world. In addition to supporting them in developing their language and intercultural skills through the 'internationalisation at home' offers, we aim to motivate and support HAW Hamburg students to study abroad, both within Europe and overseas.
Internationalisation of research
In the area of research and knowledge transfer, HAW Hamburg's internationalisation efforts focus on supporting exchange and cooperation as well as international networks for cross-country collaborative research. The goal is to increase HAW Hamburg's attractiveness to international researchers and promote an understanding of other research cultures.
Expansion and development of key regions
In its international relations in the areas of degree courses, teaching and research, HAW Hamburg focuses on Europe. It has partner universities in 27 countries and is particularly engaged in the CARPE network's activities and the Baltic region. Further afield, HAW Hamburg has identified the Shanghai-Hamburg College, the United States and Australia as especially strategic regions.
The global networks that are of particular strategic importance for HAW Hamburg are the Global E3 network (Global Engineering Education Exchange), which primarily supports student exchanges in the area of engineering, and the Cumulus Association, which brings together renowned art and design universities. HAW Hamburg is expanding its activities within these networks.