Credit points and having your course recognised
If you complete a course offered by HAW Hamburg in cooperation with the Hamburger Volkshochschule (VHS), it may be possible for you to receive a certificate for 3 ECTS credit points (for courses comprising 30 teaching units/Unterrichtseinheiten) or 4 ECTS credit points (for courses comprising 45 teaching units/Unterrichtseinheiten) if you fulfil the following criteria:
- The course was offered by HAW Hamburg in cooperation with the VHS
- You attended at least 80 per cent of the course's teaching units
- You passed the final course exam
- You completed at least two ‘semesterbegleitende Leistungsnachweise’ (additional course tasks), where required
Please ask your instructor about the exact requirements at the beginning of your course.
Your department will decide whether these points can count towards your degree. Please discuss this with your course advisor or Examinations Committee.