In 1998, HAW Hamburg and the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (USST) jointly founded the Shanghai-Hamburg College. Today HAW Hamburg and USST instructors teach approximately 300 students in three Bachelor's degree courses: electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and foreign trade/international management (offered since 2002). The four-year Bachelor's degree courses, which are based on German-Chinese examination regulations, are accredited by the ASIIN certification organisation.
The three degree courses offered by the Shanghai-Hamburg College are organised bilingually (Chinese/German). The first year is dedicated to acquiring basic German skills and concludes with the Goethe Insitute's Zertifikat B1 exam. One-third of the subject-related courses in the second and third years (two modules per semester) are taught in German by HAW Hamburg instructors. Alongside the subject-related training, learning German to the Zertifikat B2 level is a significant part of earning the double Bachelor's degree from both universities.