Bachelor's degrees offered by Shanghai-Hamburg College

Shanghai-Hamburg College focuses on practical training that provides students with the qualifications to become engineers or business managers. Graduates are able to use the skills and knowledge acquired to work independently and practically in companies with strong linkages to Germany. This requires not only language training, but also the learning of cross-cultural skills. Together with the subject-specific content, this entails a significant workload, which means that all three degree courses are designed as full-time, on-campus courses. They are characterised by the following attributes:

  • Full-time, on-campus study
  • Teaching of German language skills
  • Teaching of basic cultural knowledge
  • Teaching of subject-specific content in small groups (40–45 students), with 35 per cent of courses taught in German
  • Division of students into small groups for language and lab courses

Bachelor's degree courses at Shanghai-Hamburg College

Electrical Engineering (Automation Technology) with Goethe-Zertifikat B2 (B.Eng.)


Mechanical Engineering (Manufacturing Technology) with Goethe-Zertifikat B2 (B.Eng.)


Foreign Trade /International Management with Goethe-Zertifikat B2 (B.Sc.)
