Digital Communication

Master of Arts (M.A.)
Master's degree

In our fast-paced digital age, robust quality in journalism is more crucial than ever. An ability to accurately distinguish a real scoop from empty hype needs a feel for the hot topics of our time along with solid research and fact-checking skills.

In the summer semester of 2017, HAW Hamburg responded to these needs and to the changes we are currently experiencing in the journalistic profession by launching a new Master’s degree course, the only one of its kind in Germany, in which 24 students work in realistic conditions in HAW Hamburg’s new dedicated newsroom to produce an online magazine called FINK.HAMBURG. Alongside individual supervision and support, they attend seminars which teach them vital competencies around digital content, technologies and strategies.

As well as working in the newsroom, the course’s students undertake projects in partnership with businesses and digital networks so they can experience and meet the challenges that will await them in their future careers in the creative industry and the digital professional world.

Good reasons to study Digital Communication at HAW Hamburg


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