Public Health

Master of Public Health (MPH)
Master's degree

Master of Public Health – Leadership for a healthy future

Ageing populations, the rising burden of non-communicable diseases and obesity, failing health systems, socially determined health disparities, climate change and newly emerging infectious diseases are just a few of the challenges confronting population health and well-being in both developing and developed countries.

Well-trained public health professionals who can identify, understand and respond to these challenges by integrating scientific knowledge, evidence-based practice, empirical research and implementation skills are needed to design and improve public health policies and practice at regional, national and global levels.

The Master of Public Health course aims to equip you with the awareness, knowledge and skills required to change the trajectory of these deep-rooted and emerging health issues.

Good reasons to study Public Health at HAW Hamburg


The right course for you?


Course content and structure


Admission requirements


Application process




Questions about applications, admissions and degree courses


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