Final theses and transcripts

Final theses

General information


Application forms


Changing your thesis title and extending the submission deadline


Submitting your thesis


Transcripts and certificates

Once you have passed your final exam, it is possible to apply for a transcript and a certificate. There is no deadline for doing so. You can also apply when you are no longer enrolled at the university. It is not necessary or possible to re-register for the subsequent semester, even if the grades for some of your assignments have not yet been recorded. You can find more detailed information on the Deregistration page.

Applying for transcripts and certificates


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Right-click on the link 'Save as' on a PC (Ziel speichern unter) or 'Save link as' on an Apple (Verknüpfte Datei laden unter) to save the document to your computer and open it there. It will be opened directly by Adobe Reader and not a browser plug-in.